Monday, March 9, 2015

Project Work

Today we will be working in the lab to finish up your final projects!  Please use this time wisely, you should be taking what you have and editing and adding finishing touches.  I will be meeting with each group individually again for any last questions you have about the project.  Here is additional information that will help you today:

Rubric- Project A

5- There are 10 or more questions present in the interview.  Notes taken on the interview are well developed and thorough.  There is an obvious connection from the notes taken and the final script.  Script format has no mistakes and is 8 pages or more in length.  The script reflects an “oral history” story with creative use of narrative. The Graphic Novel panels reflect 2 or more pages of the script and are well developed, creative and legible.  Little to no mistakes in grammar and spelling.

4- There are 10 or more questions present in the interview.  Notes taken on the interview are developed.  Most of the final script shows a connection to the notes taken.  Script format has few mistakes and is 6-7 pages in length.  The script reflects an “oral history” with use of narrative.  The Graphic Novel Panels reflect less than 2 pages of the script and are legible and organized.  There are a few mistakes in grammar and spelling, but nothing that hinders understanding.

3- There are 6-9 questions present in the interview.  Notes taken on the interview are underdeveloped but with structure.  The final script veers from the interview notes, but still follows a logical story.  The script is formatted incorrectly and is 5 pages in length.  The script reflects an “oral history,” but appears underdeveloped, with sometimes unorganized or choppy narrative.  The Graphic Novel Panels reflect less than one page or veer from what is written in the script.  Mistakes in grammar and spelling are frequent and slightly hinder the reader’s understanding of the story.  Work is turned in on time.

2- There are 5 or less questions present in the interview.  Notes taken on the interview are short and lack structure.  The final script does not follow the interview questions and is less than 5 pages in length.  The script is formatted incorrectly and is inconsistent with an “oral history.”  The Graphic Novel panels are few or missing.  One or more items are missing from the assignment or are turned in late.  Mistakes in grammar and spelling are frequent and greatly hinder the reader’s understanding of the story.

1- The project is not handed in.

Rubric- Project B

5- There are 4 or more valid sources of research on the reference page.  The notes on the research are well developed and thorough.  There is an obvious connection from the notes taken to the written genres.  There are 8 or more genres present.  Writing is formatted correctly, when needed, and there are no repeating genres.  Writing shows variety, creativity and thought.  Ideas are well developed and organized.  Introductory letter is informative and reflective.  Little to no mistakes in grammar or spelling.

4- There are 3 valid sources of research on the reference page.  The notes on the research are developed.  Most of the genres show a connection from the notes taken.  There are 6-7 genres present.  Writing format (when needed) shows few mistakes, with one genre repeated.  Writing length and style varies with good organization and development.  Introductory letter is informative and shows some reflection.  There are a few mistakes in grammar and spelling, but nothing that hinders understanding.

3- There are 3 or 4 sources, but one may not be valid or necessary.  The notes on the research are underdeveloped, but with structure.  Some of the genres show a connection from the notes, but it is slight.  There are 5 genres present.  Writing format (when needed) is mostly incorrect and multiple types of genres are repeated.  The genres rarely show variety in length and style, and show some organization and development.  Introductory letter is underdeveloped, with little reflection on the writing.  Mistakes in grammar and spelling are frequent and slightly hinder the reader’s understanding.  Work is turned in on time.

2- There are less than 3 sources present, or multiple sources are not valid.  The notes on the sources are short and lack thoughtfulness.  Most of the genres do not show any connection to the research done.  There are less than 5 genres present.  Writing style and format is below grade expectations or pieces of the project were handed in late.  The genres lack structure and overall organization.  The introductory letter is missing, or too short.  Mistakes in grammar and spelling are frequent and greatly hinder the reader’s understanding of the story.

1- The project is not handed in.

Project A

Script Format- Please make sure that you script is correctly formatted.  If you're not sure, refer to the formatting worksheet I gave you in the beginning of the unit.  If you don't have that sheet, ask a neighbor to look over your format.  Is it the same as theirs?  Once you have done that and you're still not sure, you may ask me to take a look at it.

Graphic Novel Panels- Your created panels should reflect about 2 pages of your script.  This can be any two pages of your choosing.  When I say "about 2 pages," I mean, find a logical starting and stopping point that makes sense to you.  If I look at the panels and your script at the same time and see that it reflects around that amount, give or take a couple panels, you're good. 

Project B

Works Cited Page- Please make sure you have put your 3-4 sources into a Works Cited page, using MLA Format.  If you're rusty with using MLA, please use the link I have given you.

Introduction Letter- This letter is mean to be a Dear Reader letter.  I'd like you to write to your readers, letting them know what they will find in your multi-genre paper.  It is also meant to be a reflection on your experience during this project.  Please answer these questions in the letter:
  • What is your topic and why did you choose it?
  • What genres did you choose to write and which is your favorite?
  • How was your experience writing in different genres?
  • What would you change about this project and why?
  • Anything else you would like your reader to know.

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